Exposing folder association to Blackboard Course_ID via API

I'm not a developer so please bear with me. We currently schedule our lecture recordings directly into the folder associated with the linked Blackboard course and we do this by searching on the folder name that matches the course name but unfortunately, these are not constants. We've had situations where course names change, users change folder names or our latest one (which is kind of our fault) where the match was being made incorrectly with a very similarly named folder). It gets messy.
Instead, we'd like to do this against Course_ID which is distinct, doesn't change and both systems already know and our adapter can query.
Maybe there is a way to do this or a better way for us to be handling it but this seems like a logical approach?
Best Answer
Hiroshi Ohno Panopto Employee
That is in our long-term roadmap, but I do not have any concrete schedule at this time.
I wish there was. I don't think those fields are something which can be queried via the API and they also don't appear in any reports.
If I want to be sure I'm in the right Panopto folder when scheduling, I go into the course in the LMS and click on the Panopto tool. Then I either get the folder's GUID (so I can verify it matches where I think I'm supposed to be scheduling it) or I just open the folder in a new window and schedule the recordings there.
Thank you for asking the question. Do you use Blackboard classic integration (i.e. building block) or Blackboard ultra integration? These use different mechanism internally.
Hello Hiroshi,
We are full ultra. No B2 for us.
Panopto stores Blackboard's primary course ID (format of _123_1) as a metadata associated to the course folder.
You may query Panopto folder with that format of course ID by SOAP API ISessionManagement.GetAllFoldersWithExternalContextByExternalId method (link: https://support.panopto.com/resource/APIDocumentation/Help/html/9c5dee30-5f12-7aa9-91b3-4e789ed06c0b.htm).
Thanks, Hiroshi. Any word on when/if this will come to your REST APIs?