Interest in Sharing Out Course Copy v2 Findings (option: CCv2 manual)?
Hi everyone,
We are working with support through a change that happened with the Jan 8 change (we think?) that led to our Course Copy getting turned off in the identity provider settings.
As a result of this, we're moving up our plans to enable and test Course Copy v2 in our production environment. I did a brief write-up this morning working through the options. Here is what I came to and shared out with our campus team:
I’m inclined to recommend the following:
- Continue leaving “copy Zoom” and “copy Scheduled Recording” to FALSE
- Keep auto provisioning to TRUE
- Enable “Manual Copy”
I would then recommend that we:
- Create a list of testing questions. I have some.
- Update KB documentation accordingly. I’ll personally oversee what goes into in consultation with Tammie and Oleg.
- Test our own use cases across respective areas and report our observations, issues, and concerns.
My rationale:
- I feel this way because we ultimately need to test this in production to actually understand how it behaves.
- Manual at first glance gives us the most combination of expected behaviors and control.
- Can turn that on first and test (and document).
- If we like it, leave it on.
- If it doesn’t work – we can then do “Auto”
- Seems fairly low risk because people don’t realize that you can copy in Panopto to begin with. If they’re linking with deep linking it already works.
- I’ve heard zero complaints from anyone about this.
My Analysis of The Options
I updated my analysis to include what I’ve learned from support and others. We ended up picking "Manual" for the time being.
Auto CCv2
- If performed correctly, it happens automatically.
- Creates a Panopto folder of materials for the course from the past course folder.
- Auto excludes the option to copy zoom recordings and scheduled recordings.
- Best from a compliance standpoint.
- Updates deep links to new reference copies (if in that source course folder)
- Updates all sessions found in original course folder to be reference copies
- Risk of Canvas Course Copy interfering
- Which course does it pair?
- What happens if multiple imports are logged?
- Happens mysteriously in the background as soon as they click through the Panopto Video link on the left nav in Canvas.
- Would need to disable auto provisioning of folders to work.
- Which “copy” does it pick if someone has imported from multiple courses in the Canvas Course Copy?
Manual CCv2
- User controls when and how the course copy occurs.
- Doesn’t impact accessibility of existing deep links. Links are updated to new reference copy upon the copy operation. - need to verify
- See below. Will still test
- We can keep Auto Provision Folders set to TRUE
- Updates all “copies” (found in original course folder) to be reference copies
- Users are prompted to include Zoom and Scheduled Recordings in settings.
- Not sure if this is good or bad. Might help with edge cases.
- Someone might choose to just check off all of the options
- Do deep links update to new reference copies? Docs are unclear
- If outside the course folder, they do not.
CC v1 (past default)
- In my mind this is a non-starter. The risk of students gaining access to past student identities, participation, etc. – brings back something we didn’t like in the past version and something we wouldn’t want to continue.
- Deep links would point to the original
This is what’s currently on if we do nothing.
- I believe that it would allow for the creation of a Panopto course folder, but nothing would be copied short of doing a manual bulk copy of the folder contents from one folder to the next.
- Deep links would still work and be linked to the original.
- It wouldn’t update the deep link embeds to new reference copies. At that point the problem is similar to Course Copy v1 with lacking a clean copy for the new course.
If you are interested in some of my testing results once we enable it -- or have specific things you're thinking about, I'll attempt to incorporate it and share it out.
I'm also glad to share our documentation if that's helpful.