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Scheduled recordings report
Is it possible to write out a report (or export data) on scheduled recordings - would be great if one could filter those by date and remote recorder.
As of now I can't even mark and copy the schedule - only possibility for me is to take a screenshot and send it on to the responsible person.
Thanks for considering!
Good call, Jens!
The tools for managing an enterprises Scheduled Recordings are lacking.
Being able to concisely show recordings in particular locations, courses, professors, etc. would be enormously helpful.
Hi Jens --
If your institution is in a position to make use of the Panopto APIs, then the Soap API has the ability to list sessions. When you submit that call you can limit that request by things like the date and the 'state' -- one of the options for the latter being 'scheduled' recordings.
List Sessions info
Stats info
I don't think you can currently do something similar for upcoming sessions using Panopto's REST api --- but I could be wrong!
Unfortunately we don't have anyone who knows about API-programming here at our school. So thanks for the info but unfortunately no solution for us though.
I agree that we need reporting for scheduled recordings.
The workaround I use is opening the RR schedule and using my cursor to select all of the sessions for that recorder.
I then paste this into an excel sheet and choose "Values only". This is at least more useful than screenshots.