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Retrieve video title using Embed API?
in API
Hello, I am fairly new to programming. I want to write a web app that will retrieve certain data about a Panopto video in string form: the embed code, video name and URL, and duration. The Embed API has properties and functions for everything I need except the video name. I'm wondering if there's any way I can access this while still using only the Embed API? Figuring out how to use the REST API and how OAUTH works is a little more intimidating to me as a newbie. :)
@Chas Cesare Apologies for the delay in response on this one. It isn't possible to retrieve the name of the session through the Embed API as this API is primarily meant to just control the embedded player like a remote control on a TV. This is however possible through our other API. Feel free to post additional questions to this forum about the SOAP/REST API if you decide to go that route.