Pathetic Begging: Improve playlist creation workflow

When creating a playlist, there are several small annoyances which make the process annoying and inefficient.
When viewing the videos in a folder, there's no way to sort the list of videos in ascending or descending order based on Name, Duration, or Date.
Descending by Date appears is the default and only option. Besides Random, that might be the worst possible option.
When you actually add the videos to a playlist, it doesn't respect the order in which you select them. It should do so.
I selected these videos in numerical order. (Ignore the fact that I inadvertently included a lecture 4 video in a playlist comprised of lecture5 videos.)
Here's the playlist it created. Note that it is in the default order of Descending by Date.
Now I have to drag them all into the correct order.
In an ideal world, I should be able to:
- Search by "lecture5".
- Sort by name to get them in the correct order.
- Click a box (which currently doesn't exist) to select all.
- Close the Add Videos dialog box
- Done!
These are some pretty simple UI fixes which would really improve the entire process.