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Unable to authenticate the user error using SOAP API calls
Hi, I am using the SOAP API and calling the UserManagementStub.listUsers(), SessionManagementStub.addFolder(), SessionManagementStub.getPersonalFolderForUser() methods. In all 3 cases the response is an error: "Unable to authenticate the user."
The username and password being sent in ApplicationInfo is for an Administrator Systems role.
When I call SessionManagementStub.getFoldersById() I get the error message "The current user does not have access to call this method."
Not sure what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions on how to fix these SOAP API errors?
Could you please have your PoC open a support ticket with us? I think this issue may require us to ask for user specific information and I would not want to have that posted on a public forum.
Joe Malmsten