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Reference copy session Duration and DownloadUrl values missing in REST API response

in API
It appears that for reference copies, the response from /api/v1/sessions/{id}
has an empty Duration value and a "#" for the DownloadUrl. This is unhelpful for two of my use-cases, and I can see no workaround for either since I haven't noticed a documented way to interrogate for the UUID of the reference parent to try and chase those values up the chain. Is there a chance of this being addressed?
I note that the SOAP interface returns meaningful Duration and MP[34]Url values for reference copies, so I suppose in the meantime I shall have to interrogate that API where the REST response is incomplete.
Hi Jonathon,
Thank you for reporting the issue with the REST API not returning duration value or a download URL for reference copies. I've filed an internal bug to look into this further.