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What do I need to do for this error: 429 API calls quota exceeded! maximum admitted 5 per Second
I am using the Panopto REST API. I made a number of calls to the REST API and sometimes randomly receive this error message: "429 API calls quota exceeded! maximum admitted 5 per Second" Do I need to throttle how many requests I send to the REST API by sleeping for some time after a few calls? Or do I need to do something else to get around this requests per second limit.
Hi Brendan,
We do rate-limit the calls to our API, with a maximum per second, minute, and hour displayed in the error message when you have an HTTP 429 response. As you mentioned, you can throttle the requests by sleeping for a period of time after a few calls, or by taking a small amount of time between each call.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Kevin, thanks for your response. In a loop I repeatedly make these 3 calls to the SOAP API for UserManagement: getUserByKey(), createUser(), addMembersToInternalGroup(). Can you tell me what are the rate limits on SOAP calls per second, minute, and hour so I can set my delay. I currently have it set to 100 milli seconds after making the 3 SOAP calls I mentioned. I could in some use cases make 1000 to 2000 calls to each of the 3 SOAP methods. Thanks
Hi Brendan,
The rates are limited to 5 calls per second, 100 calls per minute, and 5000 calls per hour at this time, though those are subject to change. The rate that was exceeded should always be listed in the error message returned.
Thx Kevin. Does the panopto API (REST and SOAP) have any maintenance down time? I just want to make sure my app that uses these APIs is not impacted. Thx
Hi Brendan,
We do occasionally have scheduled maintenance for major upgrades that affect our entire site, including the REST and SOAP APIs, but the APIs do not have any other separate downtime. Maintenance and upgrade downtime is announced ahead of time at
Please let me know if you have any other questions.