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Allow ability to drill down to nested folders when MOVING a video

In the video settings, when I go to move a video to a subfolder of a parent folder I am able to find the parent folder, but there doesn't appear to be a way to then navigate within that folder to drop something in a subfolder. We are only in our first year but will have thousands of Sakai LMS course folders that we need to be able to move videos from place to place. Not being able to drill-down means we would need to know the name of the Assignment folder or other subfolder in able to find it and we admins usually only know the outer course name and number.

Having more robust feature when moving video would be a HUGE help.

6 votes

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  • Moving videos into a Meeting Recordings folder is fun when you have about 4,000 of them named identically.

  • Bonnie PowersBonnie Powers Crackerjack
    edited July 2022

    EXACTLY! I also know this was added to Panopto's backend Feature Requests by a staff member. Managing large volumes of folders is going to be a challenge.

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