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Clear entire folder quiz results
I have a number of instructors who use Panopto's quizzing feature. It is a great feature, but one issue with it is when instructors want to reuse their videos from semester to semester. If they have a student that had to retake the course, and the quiz settings only allow for one attempt, the student will not be able to take the quiz.
This wouldn't be a huge deal if it was just one quiz, but often times there are dozens, or in some cases hundred of videos that have quizzes and need to be cleared. This is very tedious for the instructor to do.
It would be very nice to have a 'Clear all quiz results' in the folder settings to make this process much faster for the instructor.
An option in the folder settings that would allow you to clear the quiz results for every video located in the folder. Right now, you can only clear results 1 video at a time. This would be a huge timesaver for professors who use lots of Panopto quizzes in their courses.
Please. Really, please. I just spent a half hour and 360 individual clicks resetting all my quizzes for the semester.
It is recommended that you take advantage of Panopto's Course Copy v2 feature, which will automatically create reference copies of your videos when you copy a course in an LMS. The reference copies will have a "clean slate" of quiz results, analytics, and discussion posts. More information can be found here:
I don't really want a separate copy of all my videos. I have a template course in my LMS, where all the videos are already posted in playlists within documents within folders. These are what I copy into my new course. I don't want to reconstruct these folders and pages with new copies of the videos from a different folder. That would take even longer than manually resettling the quizzes. (And I still don't understand why, even though I have cleared quiz results, when I download them, I have all results from everyone who has ever taken them. The quiz results page within Panopto only shows the current students, but the download has everyone.)
Hi Sheila,
Thank you for this feedback. We can certainly leave this request open for consideration! For what it is worth, the course copy v2 process linked in the article above will automatically relink all of your videos from your template course (assuming you are using your LMS's copy option?) so this would not have to be a manual process on your end. Please feel free to refer to your Panopto representative if you have specific questions about testing this feature. I hope this helps!
I'm not using a course copy in the sense of just copying a whole course, if that's what you mean. My content is organized by week and day, so my template course has folders to use if I have a 2-class/week course and others for a 3-class/week course. I have similar multiple layouts for other parts of the course as well, so I don't want all of that in the new course. I use the "copy content" function to get what I need for a particular semester rather than copying the whole course. The videos do not show up in the Panopto folder for the new Blackboard course. I suppose it would be an option to copy the whole thing and delete what I don't need, but only if having multiple different documents with the same videos/playlists copied in and then some deleted wouldn't be an issue.
I took another look at this to see if it would do what I want and it turns out I can't do it anyway because I don't have administrator access.