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Better insight into videos restored from archive

With the new storage-based hours buckets, it's more important to know how often your users restore videos from the archive, moving them from one hours bucket to another. I've spent a lot of time analyzing report data trying to figure out how we can stay under our quotas but restored sessions are one variable I can't account for easily. Panopto doesn't provide any tools specifically for this; one could utilize various reports and analyze changes over time, but there's no one-stop solution for determining how much content was restored in a given time period. I have two parallel suggestions:

  1. Restored Sessions Report - create a new report with information (id, folder, owner, length, etc.) for sessions that were restored in a given time period.
  2. Add a new tab to the Content Retention area for restored videos, perhaps similar to the current Audit tab, with data that can be downloaded in a structured format (e.g. CSV)

It might be important, for either of these suggestions, to be able to distinguish why a session was archived, too. The report, for instance, could contain a column stating which retention policy placed a session in the archive or whether it was by user action (and which user).

9 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated


  • I was recently looking for some of this information and if I had something dedicated to tracking when a user intervenes in the content retention process it would save me a ton of time. This is a great suggestion!

    One suggestion for the restored sessions report: it would be great to know which individual restored the session, and the role that they hold in that context.

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