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Virtual Whiteboard within the Panopto Client or Web capture service

Dear Panopto Development Team,
I searched the forum to see if anyone had asked for this previously but couldnt find a specific reference.
A virtual whiteboard feature inbuilt into the panopto client or web capture service that would be recorded like a active screen capture of the electronic whiteboard.
Yes, other platforms have whiteboards which can be recorded as a screen capture or even using blackboard vle collaborate whiteboard service but ideally having an e-whiteboard within its own service would be very integrated and would be used by many academics in their teaching?
Regards, James, IT Services Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Hi James,
I am aware that my colleagues have already reached out to you.
Here is an idea of a workaround that I wanted to provide in regards to using an ipad as whiteboard and record it with a Mac computer:
ipad and Mac are connected via Bluetooth and keynote, as my colleague demos in this video.