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Panopto API to ingest media as archived
in API
We are looking for a way to import large numbers of recordings into Panopto however we want the recordings to be archived immediately (i.e. not dependant on any active retention policies). Is there any facility within the Panopto API to accomplish this?
I am not sure if there is an API endpoint that will allow you to tag a session to be archived, but I've done something like this by setting up a new retention policy for the target folder. This policy is set up to archive after 1 day, and it's been working well so far. We will see how it goes in 5 years when the next action is set to happen.
Hi Zadkiel,
Michael is correct, we do not currently have an endpoint that will set a session to be archived, or a way to import a video using our APIs that will automatically archive them as soon as they have been uploaded. The suggestion to archive the videos based on a folder-level retention policy is also what I would suggest as well.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.