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Download links not working
In reply
there is a value for the "DownloadUrl" property, but when I try to download a file, I sometimes get an error
Permissions for this file are set to public
I tried to open this link from different browsers, device, on some it was successful loading
here is an example of links for which instability was detected
Hi Yuriy,
Are all of the videos set to be publicly accessible? When the DownloadUrl returns a 403 error, that indicates that the current user does not have permission to access the video. If you are not logged in, then that would indicate that the video is not publicly accessible. Is it possible that you were logged in on a different browser, and that's what allowed the video to be downloaded?
I would suggest starting by checking the Share settings on those videos and verify they are set correctly for the scenario you are trying to use (public access or restricted access).
Please let me know if you have any other questions.