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Missing th choice to insert a link instead og embed code for a Panopto video in the editor in Canvas

In Canvas, instructor can embed Panopto content directly from the rich text editor, through the Panopto-button within the editor.But there is no possibility to insert the URL only.
Today, instructor must
- - leave the rich text editor in Canvas and go into Panopto
- - find the right video/podcast
- - get hold of the URL
- - AND set the viewer-settings correct
There should be a choiceto insert the URL directly from the Rich Text Editor in Canvas.
Espen & Sven,
USN, Norway
I second this! This is a feature we had in our old system and one that is very much missed by our staff.
Adding URLs instead of embeding the player makes it much easier to keep things tidy in Canvas.
Making sure we track this internally since you can't do this from the Rich Text Editor but wanted to note that you can add just an LTI link from the Module view in Canvas.
Would love to see this option in the Rich Text Editor. This is still the #1 request we get from our users. The issue with adding URLs in modules is when you have to add for example 20+ videos in more then one module within a course. This makes the Canvas courses look like a mess unfortunately.
Those of us in Brightspace D2L would also love to have the option to use a URL (once called Panopto Video Link) instead of the embed.The embedded videos take up too much real estate on the page.
Making the default size of the embed smaller would also help, but a Panopto connected link would be the bomb.