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API keys

in API
I try to follow the guidelines to setup a Oauth2 client ( and more specifically how to do this in Postman (
But I have trouble with the following:
1. CORS Origin URL
2. Redirect URL
What should this be for me? I work at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences ( , and even though I am administrator for Panopto I don't have any URLs to my name.
Hi Aasmund,
If you are using Postman to get the token, for now, you do not need to worry about the CORS Origin URL, as Postman will not block based off of cross-origin issues.
For the Redirect URL, if you are using a current version of Postman, you should be able to use their built-in redirect URL ( Please make sure to add that URL to the API Client in Panopto as a Redirect URL before trying to get the access token through Postman.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.