Notification of an issue affecting videos created with deprecated “Advanced Editor” feature
Hello - We want to let you know about an issue affecting videos created with the deprecated “Advanced Editor” Save As feature.
What is the issue?
Prior to Panopto 5.7 (May 2018), Panopto videos could be edited with a Silverlight-based “Advanced Editor.” The advanced editor’s Save As function allowed users to create new versions of videos under the same session ID as the original. Videos created in this manner appear in Panopto as separate videos. When any version of a session created with the Save As function is either manually permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin (Delete Forever) or permanently deleted by a retention rule, all versions of that session are deleted.
Which versions of Panopto are affected?
Panopto 5.8 and later.
How do I tell if this affects me?
There is no means of identifying videos that were deleted erroneously due to this issue.
How do I mitigate the issue?
Halt the automated permanent deletion of videos through retention rules or manual permanent deletion from the recycle bin.
When will this be resolved?
This issue will no longer occur with our next minor release scheduled for October 6th/7th.
For any questions, please contact Panopto Support online at
Best Answer
[Deleted User] Panopto Employee
This issue was fully resolved for all Panopto Cloud customers as of our latest minor release on October 28th.
This issue was not resolved in our minor release last week.
We are investigating and will provide another update via this post as soon as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused.
Our engineering team confirmed that our minor release on October 7th resolved the issue impacting permanent deletions executed through retention rules.
However, permanent deletions that are manually executed from the Recycle Bin are still impacted. We expect the resolution for that issue to be included in our next minor release, currently scheduled for October 28th.