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Is there an API to get the last sign-in date and time of a user?
Masayuki Namiki
in API
[What we are trying to do]
I will create a periodic execution program that deletes users after a certain period of time since the last sign-in date using the SOAP API `IUserManagement.DeleteUsers Method`.
I know 1.4.e. Last Sign-in Time Per User: Username, User ID, Email, Date Added, Last Sign-in
Hi Masayuki,
We do not currently have an API that will get the last sign-in information for a user, but as you've found you can schedule a nightly report to get that information. Once you have created the recurring report, you can use the IUsageReporting.GetRecentReports Method to download a list of the recent reports, and then the IUsageReporting.GetReport method to download the report, once it is available. This would get you the information that you need to determine last sign-in time, as well as the User ID to pass to the DeleteUsers Method.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.