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Include the email or username in Content Retention reports
We want to start using the Content Retention feature, to help archive and delete videos, to adhere to GDPR guidelines. While in the process of this, we need to inform the users whose videos will be archived. This has proven difficult, since we only have the user ID, and we need to manually search for the users.
The first run through we have made with the Content Retention, we ended up having 233 different users who we need to find the email/username for manually. We instead wish for the email and/or username to automatically be included in the report that is created, since it will spare us for a lot of manual work.
Amen! Just sending everyone an email and telling them that you're archiving content doesn't make much sense if they don't have any content being archived.
This is even more challenging if the content was created using a Remote Recorder and someone other than the user (like an Administrator) scheduled the recording for them. Then we have to find out who has creator rights to the folder (hopefully the instructor who should "own" the recordings clicked on the Panopto tool). The LMS integration creates a viewers and creators group so we have to find out which one of the creators in the group is the actual instructor.
This is a mess.
It would be helpful if Panopto could add a field which contained all the people with creator rights to the folder (including enumerated group permissions).
Again, it would also be helpful if people could schedule recording on behalf of someone else so that person "owned" the eventual recording.