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Admin-Like Permissions > Upload Everywhere, without Seeing Users Videos.

My office manages video production for campus. Clients often want finished videos uploaded to their Panopto accounts. As Panopto Admin, I can do do that. I would like my students to be able to upload that content, too. To ANY person's account . . . without seeing any of the videos that other person has in their account.

Does that kind of permission already exist . . . if not, can we add it as a feature request?



3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • I'd love to have the ability to spin up new roles from scratch and have access to all of the controls. This would've been something that was possible in the beta release of custom roles, but the prod release was restricted to only some permissions based on existing roles.

  • In theory, something like this should work. It should let users create and move videos to folders, but they can't delete or view existing content. I haven't tried this yet because we don't have a need for it.

    I would also like some sort of automated report or notification system which would tell site admins when anyone with elevated permissions (more permissions than a regular user) is viewing content they don't own.

    Report: "Here's a list of all the content watched by these users." -> "Why are you watching these recordings in this course folder?"

    "This videographer/admin is suddenly watching a bunch of videos in this user's folder..." -> Alert all the site admins

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