Enable 'Anyone at your org w/ Link' to submit Response Vids to Assignment Folders w/ Panopto Capture

Panopto already has the capability to embed a Panopto Capture link into a recording which sends student video responses to a specific assignment folder.
This is a great feature, but only works by manually adding users as viewers to the parent folder of the assignment folder, or by going through the building block in an LMS to setup permissions. This requires additional work every semester for instructors, which is a barrier to adoption.
Feature Needed: Make it so the 'Anyone at your org w/ the link' permission setting on a parent folder would actually be inherited by Assignment folders, thus enabling all org users to be viewers/creators on the 'Assignment Folder' without having to manually add them. This would enable site wide responses while keeping the folder unlisted.
This would also make it so creators could share a Panopto Capture link tied to an Assignment Folder without the need for an LMS, enabling non-LMS usage.