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Need to be able to record audio on secondary source streams
Currently, the Panopto API overrides the local recorder (in this case, Epiphan Pearl 2s) when a recording event is scheduled in the Panopto Remote recorder. ) The recorder has the ability to do multiple audio tracks, but the secondary tracks do no record audio at this time.
It would be great if this could be enabled, as often we use all tracks for source editing in Adobe Premiere for publication elsewhere (like OpenCourseWare) But I'd also like to have the ability to have a secondary audio track of say passive audio (ie, ceiling microphones) on a secondary source so that if the faculty forgets to turn on their microphone we have the backup ceiling mics and and make that the primary audio source.
Agreed, this would be useful. Ceiling mics are not great to hear all the time (various noise). It would be nice to record it just in case the lavalier mics aren't working, or if there is a Q&A and the audience isn't easily heard. Then allow the viewer to choose to mix in the audio track.