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Non-admin access to users' My Folders
Some of our support staff have a need to access users' My Folder content. Currently, they can do this in a roundabout way by masquerading as a user in Canvas and accessing their content, but it would be more straightforward to give certain admins access to view users' My Folder content. This would help in preparing for a course at the beginning of the semester when multiple course support staff need to access reusable videos in one person's My Folder.
The Videographer role would do this but also grant rights to all other content.
You could write an app which would grant a group permissions to all existing user folders and then run it periodically to catch newly created accounts/personal folders. Then you add people to that group.
You can do this through the use of the Department Admin role by changing the 'users' top-level folder to be a department then adding the folks who need this level of access to the department. We have only been able to provide this level of access to central staff since it give access to all user folders. I've had this in place for almost 4 years at this point and it has been a great tool to have available.
Ideally we would be able to associate a user with a department instead, so department admins could fully administer the users in their areas, but we will see if that ever comes to light.
Great idea!