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Notification of issue affecting viewing and embedding videos with LTI tools

Hello - We want to let you know about an issue with viewing and embedding videos using Panopto LTI tools.

What is the issue?

Users who have cookies disabled in their browsers will be unable to embed or view content with Panopto LTI tools.

Which versions of Panopto are affected?

All Panopto Cloud customers are affected.

How do I tell if this affects me?

Embedding and viewing content with LTI tools will fail for affected users.

How do I mitigate the issue?

This issue can be mitigated by ensuring that third-party cookies are enabled.

When will this be resolved?

We are currently planning to resolve this issue for all environments by March 10th.

For any questions, please contact Panopto Support online at support.panopto.com.

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