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The return values of the SOAP API
in API
I would like to know about the return values of the SOAP API.
For example, ISessionManagement.AddFolder Method has the Return Value, but IAccessManagement.GrantGroupAccessToFolder Method don't.
1. What happens if the process succeeds if the method have no the Return Value ? How I know the prosess succeed?
2. If the method with a Return Value fails, does an exception be returned?
3. If the method with no Return Value fails, does an exception be returned?
*AddFolder Method
*GrantGroupAccessToFolder Method
Best Answer
Joe Malmsten Panopto Employee
- If the process succeeds but the method has no return value you can assume the call succeeded as long as the calls http status is a 200 and no errors were thrown.
- If a method with a return value fails it should generally throw an exception or return an HTTP status indicating a failure.
- If a method with no return value fails it should generally throw an exception or the call HTTP status should indicate its not a 200.