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Customizable Analytics Reports for Librarians and Other Groups

Our librarians have a need for a different set of metrics in analytics reports and we need for them to be able to run those reports on their own 😁. I submitted a feature request a little over one year ago FR-4936. Comments describing what they are looking for are below. Would this type of report or reports be helpful to anyone else?

"We currently use the "Downloads by day" report, but we have to use a pivot table to aggregate the results for each video into monthly blocks. We also have to manually add the video owner, session length, and description manually. It would be nice to have a view that is more focused on aggregate stats and less on individual student engagement, along with more administrative metadata. "

"I need to download viewing data for videos in the Libraries Panopto folders. When I go into the Analytics Dashboard for a particular folder, I see a box with "Top Sessions" where I can see a list of sessions with the # of views & downloads in the first column. However, when I click on the download icon in that box, I get a report that shows views per user, not per video. The other Download Reports that I have access to are "Views & Downloads by Day," "Top Viewers," and "User Completion." Can we get a report option that shows "Views per Video/Presentation" with the option to select date range?"

1) We aren't interested in person-level specifics.

2) We do want to know when a session was viewed.

3) We do need to know how many times a session was viewed.

4) We do not need minutes or % viewed.

5) We would like to run one report for each folder.

6) We do not need video section views.

5 votes

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