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Add recording using REST API fails
in API
Hi, I am trying to add a recording using REST API. I verified the recorder exists with the same ID. But keep getting the error message that the recorder id is invalid. Am I missing anything?
url = "" body = {'Name': 'api_test_name', 'Description': 'api_test_descr', 'StartTime': '2023-04-08T16:22:24.24Z', 'EndTime': '2023-04-08T17:22:24.24Z', 'FolderId': '5a0276b6-52b3-4e16-9b4a-ad3a011183d3', 'IsBroadcast': 'false', 'Recorders': [{'RemoteRecorderId': "f9d19120-a1ea-4b66-be58-afd6011820df", 'SuppressPrimary': 'false', 'SuppressSecondary': 'false' }]} response =, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer {access_token}'.format(access_token=token)}, data=body)
{'Error': {'ErrorCode': '', 'Message': 'RecorderScheduleEntries must have a valid recorder id. on recorder 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'Success': False, 'ErrorSource': None}}
I'm not sure of the syntax in the language you are using, but I notice a deviation where you use double quotes surrounding the RemoteRecorderId compared to the rest of the strings.