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Downloading PPT slides and PDF in embedded videos.
in General Q&A
Hi Folks,
If I attach slides and/or a PDF to a video that I want students to download, can they only download or view that content in the web viewer and not in the embedded player? It looks that way to me right now in testing but just want to be sure I'm not missing something else.
Thank You.
Hi Kevin,
PDFs should be visible in the embedded player. They appear at the beginning of the video and can be downloaded. This is according to this support article (step 1.5.a.)
Slides should appear in the embedded video as well, but I believe they can only be downloaded from the web viewer.
Any reason why this would work for me in Blackboard but not in Brightspace?
Is there a setting we're perhaps missing?
Thank You
Kevin Hartman, University at Buffalo
@Kevin Hartman No reason that I'm aware of. Would you like me to open a support ticket for you to see if we can get to the bottom of it?
Let's hold off for a second. I got it to work with a different video and PDF, so may have just been a fluke. The original video I embedded was also a 360 video, so maybe that had something to do with it.