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Breadcrumb Navigation / Session and Folder Paths
Providing a breadcrumb would improve the efficiency of our workflows, allowing us to see at a glance where a folder or session is located. Whilst we can view the folder structure in the Browse menu, this becomes convoluted when navigating between folders and subfolders. The Browse menu automatically expands but does not collapse folders.
The breadcrumb could be located below the folder name when viewing the Content area. When viewing a single recording, the breadcrumb could be located at the top of the page (currently you can only view the direct folder the recording is located within, rather than the full path).
Would it be possible to show the whole folder path to a session in the session information window? Would help especially on scheduled recordings for checking that the path is right.
Now you have to go in and click your way through.
I wish I could up vote this suggestion more than once.
Since the introduction of reference copies we have been moving to a process whereby we have reusable learning objects (RLOs) as 'master' sessions in an admin folder, with linked reference copies in relevant cohort related folders (where permissions are managed via the Canvas VLE integration). Because our courses don't have a gap between the end of one year and the start of a new one we can't make use of the VLE copying functionality (which is a one time only action), so we have to manually copy the sessions and update the embed links in new courses. Being able to see the full folder path would be a really help when QA'ing our course set up, as we could easily see that the embedded session was pointing to the correct reference copy.
Thanks for this suggestion Jens!
100% agree with the folder breadcrumb to show the current context, even if it was something you had to expand/click on to see, it would be a great addition. I also think this UI element should be able to be used with drag-and-drop session moves. It is too difficult to just move a session up one level right now and this element would solve that problem completely.
Yes Yes Yes Please!
This would make things so much easier!