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Archive restore times

edited 2023 01 in General Q&A


Today was the first day where all of my archive restore request have come back saying "Video will be available for viewing in 2 days". I know that the Panopto policy says "Note: It can take up to 48 hours to restore a Panopto video.", but in the past it's always been quicker than that.

Anyone else seeing this happening to them?


  • In my experience it always quotes the 2 day turnaround and unless it was a recent archive (in which case it happens right away), it processes in the next "off-hours" cycle (that night).

    I would wait until tomorrow morning and see if the notification comes through that it was restored.

  • Unfortunately all 5 restores that I started yesterday are still showing another day to finish their restore. It's the first time that I have run into it taking longer than an hour or so. have I just been lucky before I wonder?

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