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API Integration with Hardware Recorders for Displaying Live Panopto Video Chat (Discussion)

Magnus LianMagnus Lian Whiz Kid
edited May 2023 in Feature Requests

Currently, hardware recorders like Matrox and Epiphan have the ability to display basic recording information on their HDMI output screens. However, we would like to take this a step further by displaying more advanced information, such as live chat from the current streaming sessions in the room on a preview/confidence monitor by the lectern.

Here is a example of our current setup: (all our rooms has one display on or near by the lectern)

Feature Request: API Integration for Displaying Live Panopto Video Chat (Discussion) on Hardware Recorders' Preview Monitor by the Lectern:

Our goal is to integrate Panopto's live video chat (Discussion) with hardware recorders such as Matrox and Epiphan, so that the chat on live sessions can be displayed on a preview monitor by the lectern, which is connected to the recorder's HDMI output. This will allow for more dynamic and interactive classroom sessions, enabling remote students to actively participate and engage with the lecture, stay in touch with the teacher, and enhance interactivity.

To accomplish this, we would like to request the following:

  1. Update the Panopto partner APIs to include live video chat (Discussion) information linked to the Live session.
  2. Implement this into the FW on the HW recorders.. Both Matrox and Epiphan has allready been briefed on this, and are willing to implement when the data is available in the API :)

We understand that there might be challenges in implementing this feature, such as the limited number of chat lines that can be displayed at once. However, we believe that overcoming these obstacles will make Panopto a more versatile and inclusive platform for remote students.

We believe that this feature, in combination with Panopto's ongoing efforts to reduce latency from recorder to player, will transform the platform from a static "One to All" experience into a more engaging and interactive tool for remote students. At the very least this will give the Teacher/student a simple solution to just send/recive simple messages, like "TURN ON YOUR MICROPHONE!! ;)

Mockup on how this could look on the screen on the Lectern.

Here is also a full mockup of all the different states that could be shown on the screen before, during and after recording:

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