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Notification of issue affecting completion percentage for merged user accounts

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Panopto Employee

Hello - We want to let you know about an issue affecting completion percentage for merged user accounts.

What is the issue?

When merging user accounts, the completion percentage data displayed in analytics dashboards fails to copy to the target accounts. This affects accounts merged by Panopto site administrators and bulk merges completed by Panopto Support. All viewing data is intact and recoverable.

Which versions of Panopto are affected?

All supported Panopto versions are affected.

How do I tell if this affects me?

Completion percentage will be blank for views that occurred prior to a user’s account being merged. A completion percentage will be displayed if the target user has watched any portion of the video, but it may not be correct.

How do I mitigate the issue?

There is no mitigation available at this time.

When will this be resolved?

We are planning to release an update to prevent this from occurring during new user merges in all Panopto Cloud environments by May 19th. Additionally, we are investigating our data recovery options and will update this thread as more information becomes available. On-premises customers will also be eligible for a resolution with our next on-premises release.

For any questions, please contact Panopto Support online at support.panopto.com.

Best Answer

  • Jim GoldenJim Golden Panopto Employee
    Answer ✓

    All historical data processing has been completed and this issue is now resolved in all clouds. On-premises customers will be eligible for a resolution with our next on-premises release.


  • Jim GoldenJim Golden Panopto Employee

    The root cause has been addressed in the release of version 13.20, on May 19, 2023. Additional work is underway to update historical viewing data, ensuring viewing statistics are being reported accurately. This work is expected to be completed by June 1, 2023. As previously stated, on-premises customers will be eligible for a resolution with our next on-premises release.

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