What must I adjust to make this request work to get a full set of viewing stats?
I am trying to get pagination working for the GetSessionExtendedDetailedUsage API, but regardless of the settings I use it seems to give me the first 25 results. As an example request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/" xmlns:pan="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Panopto.Server.Services.PublicAPI.V40">
This gives me a list of 25 ExtendedDetailedUsageResponseItems
What must I adjust to make this request work, or alternatively is there another API that will allow me to get the full set of viewing statistics for sessions (at least which user ids viewed and how much of the session they viewed)?
I look forward to hearing from you
Hi Al-Ridhaa,
Thanks for contacting Panopto. I will try to help you about your request and needed paginated response.
For SOAP API request order of request data within envelope is important. Valid order is: auth, sessionId, pagination, beginRange, endRange.
Here is a example of valid SOAP API envelope:
I hope this will help you to resolve your issue.
Please let us know if you have additional questions.
Panopto team.