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Video feedback
We're toying with the idea of capturing student feedback of our video content in the form of binary clickable like and dislike icons (much like the feedback icons beneath this post!). The aim is to provide insight into more qualitative feedback than the Panopto metrics offer. Anyone tried this? I'm guessing it might have to sit outside the Panopto player as a separate element within the LMS. Cheers
Panopto actually allows users to rate videos using 1-5 stars. (Settings>Features - Viewer - Rating)
I'm not sure the benefits of a more simple system would justify the effort involved in creating your own system.
Thanks so much @Chaz Barbour. I confess I wasn't even aware of the star rating feature - it is disabled at our institution.
Sounds like it would achieve most of what we want, but ideally the aggregate rating wouldn't be viewable by end users and only used by our team for qualitative review processes. I'm not sure if this is the case with the stars?
Our dev engineer has a custom solution on the back burner that looks promising. It sits in the form of a thumbs up/thumbs down in the LMS independent of Panopto but referencing the clip.