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Set a Default Role with SSO Integration
in General Q&A
We're using an SSO integration to the Panopto website -- is there a way to set a Default Role for this? Currently all staff come in a a Viewer, but I'd like them to come in as a Creator (we do not have Student accounts at this time) so I don't have to manually change their role each time a new staff member logs in.
Best Answers
Charles Barbour Superstar
I think this is the setting you need to change in your Internal Identity Provider sestion:
Users with personal folders will be creators.
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Charles Barbour Superstar
Of course that assumes you have account unification enabled because you have multiple IDPs.
If not, there's a similar field in your SSO's IDP section. Personal folders for users: Set that to Everyone.
Yes, the combo of setting both to "Everyone" did the trick!