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Creator role for sharing recording is missing
in General Q&A
I was trying to share a recording to another course today, and the creator role from the drop down is missing. We used to have to share both viewer/creator of a course, and also attach the same role viewer/creator for each to be able to share them to another course. I did a search, and it says creators can only be assigned on folder levels now? I would not like to have to share the whole folder, and just individual recordings.
Recordings can't be shared with Creator access. Folders can. This is annoying as hell but this is the way it's been for the 6+ years we've been using Panopto.
If you want someone to edit a video but not every video in that folder, you have to create a new folder, move the video there, then grant them creator right to the new folder.
It's absurdly limiting and I believe Panopto is the only VCMS with this limitation.
About 5 years ago I was told this issue was on their short term roadmap and would be resolved "soon". At this point I doubt it's on any roadmap.