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Add Video Watermark to Downloads


I would like to request a feature to add a hard-encoded watermark to some videos' downloads, for copyright protection purposes. A custom transparent png file could be uploaded by the user under "site settings", and for certain videos, administrators should be able to enable a tick-box which adds this watermark to the downloaded version of the video.

Once ticked, processing will occur on that video before downloading is possible. Another global setting could set this as default, in which case, unticking would cause a new version to be processed. I am not suggesting that all videos have a watermarked and un-watermarked version processed by default, as this would be inefficient use of server space.

This feature will allow institutions to approve personal downloads for educational purposes, even if it contains copyrighted material, by adding a "not for public use" (or similar) watermark image over the video.

Note that this is different from the in-stream watermark feature already available, which puts a tiny corporate logo in the corner of the VOD display, but not on downloaded videos.

Thank you!

5 votes

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