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Caption Embedded in Download

in General Q&A
For the first time, when we download the VOD from Panopto the captions are baked in. How do we stop this?
I just did some testing on my site, and I am still only seeing that the caption files are still just embedded in the caption track within the MP4, but not baked in as open captions. When you say "baked in" do you mean as open captions, or as this embedded caption stream?
After we download, it's open captions. We've never had to deal with that before.
Interesting, the only time we've seen things like that on our campus is when the person recording has something like the PowerPoint open captions on when recording, and that is captured along with the screen capture. I will definitely keep an eye out for examples of this here though!
Thank you! We did not change any settings, but also can not find where we can even change it.