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Grade by Percent Viewed - Automatic Sync Improvements

Michael EspeyMichael Espey Superstar
edited August 2023 in Feature Requests

The turnaround time for grades to sync from this feature is frankly far too long to be used for most things. The one area where I could see this feature being very useful is in compliance and qualifications courses. With these being asynchronous courses to be completed linearly, the grade needs to be available in the LMS, at least when the student hits 100%, right away.

As it currently stands, a student in the course would be presented with some content, they would need to wait a few hours for the one grade to be pushed, then they would be able to continue to the next block of content. One course I have in mind has ~10 modules to complete, each with one or two short videos. If this feature were used to mark completion of each module, this would be literally days to complete where it should be 20-30 mins in real time.

I think even if there was a "I'm done watching" call to action that is presented when the video is paused/stops at the end, that would work as a "quick fix" for this.

2 votes

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