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Option for viewers to download captions / transcript
I know admins can do this, but we often offer captions or transcripts for download for users for courses. I've currently told the course team requesting this that an admin to the collection will need to manually download them and then put the transcript as a separate link from Canvas, but they asked why couldn't a viewer download the file. So it begs the question for an option to do so that an admin could enable for a folder.
Is this possible to do?
So desperately needed.
This absolutely should be an option available to viewers
I just had someone ask for this today, it's so needed!
Seeing that this has been updated to in progress I wanted to offer a clarification on the need our users have expressed, guessing others have similar needs- Rather than the ability to download the SRT/timed captions, users would benefit from the ability to download a plaintext untimed transcript file. The SRT is already included in the podcast mp4, but what our students need is a human-readable untimed document (txt would be perfect).
@Matthew Ribkoff , I spoke to Panopto about this and saw some screenshots and that's exactly what this will be.
Plain text with no time codes.
And there was much rejoicing…
@Chaz Barbour - Did they say if it will be only a site setting, or will there be more granular controls? It sounds like from what I've seen in the announcement that it will just be a site setting and having it be a site setting for all content might be a deal breaker for us. At the very least, it means that I can't just implement it right away.
@Michael Espey - IIRC, it will initially only be a site setting in the MVP. Future improvements may include options for setting this at the department, folder, user, video level.
Is it safe to assume that creators will still be able to download and edit the srt file and re-upload. I find it easier to edit large caption files outside of Panopto.
Thank you for releasing the global setting for downloadable transcripts. We have had instructors in the past ask for downloadable clean transcripts, but we also recognize that not every instructor wants this option on. It would be great to have the setting be at the video or folder level like the download podcast or download slides levels.
Can we also get a way for folks to download a transcript that combines CC and AD together on one script???
I've done a bit of surveying on my campus and 2/3's of respondents support leaving this setting off until we can have it be set at the folder/video level. Future features like this need to be a site level default with an opt-in/out at the folder and video level as an MVP.
Having something like this only as a site level setting does not work for an "Enterprise" scale.