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Add "show scheduled recordings" button to LTI/LMS view
Currently the "show scheduled recordings" button only appears in the full Panopto site and not in the LMS/LTI view (at least in Canvas). This leads to us having to direct faculty to do an extra step whenever we instruct them how to view their upcoming scheduled recordings (if they want to pre-share a live stream with an absent student for example). I can't see any reason that button shouldn't be accessible in that view.
God yes. I've had faculty freak out when they couldn't see upcoming recordings.
I think in the course context, this checkbox could even be a default on situation. That way it could be used as a schedule of sorts when folks are webcasting lectures (we have a few that do). While we are at it, could we also put a refresh button there in the LMS tool?
1000 times yes! So I don't have to send this 5 step process to every faculty who requests an automated recording:
Follow these steps to verify the recording schedule:
1. Login to Brightspace (UB Learns)
2. Click on “Classroom Recordings” in the table of contents.
3. Click on “Panopto Content”
4. Click the "arrow moving out of a square” icon to Open in Panopto.
5. At the top of the course recordings page in Panopto, click the clock icon to show the upcoming recordings.
It is so very annoying.
This is a MUST-HAVE feature! They should add this now! It should appear in every "destination folder" folder for the scheduled recording. Hopefully it will list the schedules sorted by date.
The lack of this feature drives me nuts. You should see the faces of our users when I have to tell them that they have to log in to the full Panopto site in order to see the scheduled recordings...
This one needs a Stone Cold Steve Austin "Hell Yeah!" instead of just a thumbs up.
I would also like that box to remain checked for me when I move from one folder to another.