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Using the "discussions" player feature for "realtime" feedback.

Do any of you use the "discussions" feature in the Panopto player, for "feedback?" Currently, discussions is not a "realtime" feature. Any suggestions for how to use discussions effectively and on a timely manner? Thanks.


  • Closest ideas I have to this:

    I live stream most of the classes I'm assigned to record, and we have discussions turned on for that. So students can ask questions or comment that way, although on a 30-40 second delay.

    I had one instructor (and I don't know if he is still doing this), record all his lectures asynchronously and release them individually at a specified date and time. At the time they were released, he would play it as well and watch, and told students to type in the discussion area if they have any questions. I'd have to ask him if any students utilized that feature or what he/they thought of it.

  • @Kevin Hartman - Thanks for sharing this. I'd appreciate an update if you find out more about how/if students used the feature and if they provided the instructor with feedback. :)

  • @Elba Rios I finally found that instructor yesterday. He said so few students took advantage of the discussion board in this manner he stopped monitoring for live posts.

    I've often found as well that students do not use the discussion feature in Panopto. I did have another instructor use it as she required students to comment on a video clip she posted as part of an assignment, but that's about it.

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