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Scheduled recordings all off by 1 hour after daylight savings change
in API
A few weeks ago we scheduled out around 300 recordings via the scheduledRecordings endpoint of the API. These were all working fine, but after the daylight savings time change this weekend, everything is off 1 hour.
The recordings were scheduled using GMT, so my assumption was that Panopto would handle the DST conversion, but this doesn't seem to be the case.
Is this expected behavior? Do I need to factor in whether a recordings is during DST when scheduling out events?
Hi Roderick,
When the API is used to create scheduled recordings, those should be sent and stored as a UTC time rather than timezone specific. I may need to look into the specific recordings to see if I can determine why they are off by an hour, so would you be able to open a support ticket with Panopto Support so that I can request some additional information?
I did open a ticket, 00914879. It was immediately closed and I was told to post here since it was related to the API.
I'd love to provide more information, just let me know if I should reply to that ticket again or open a new one.
Hi Roderick,
You can go ahead and reply to your original ticket, and let them know I asked you to open a ticket for this issue. They should re-open the ticket and pass the ticket over to me.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.