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Ongoing Panoto Content Copy for Canvas Blueprint

We have a few areas that would like to leverage Canvas Blueprints for some additional courses, however, one big drawback when working with Panopto in Blueprint setups is that the content is only stored in the Panopto Course folder associated with the Blueprint master course and nothing is copied to the individual panopto course folders associated with the canvas courses that students are enrolled in.

This presents a bit of an issue when video quizzes are in use, or when a course wants to use the Panopto LTI Navigation placement, and an even larger issue when we are trying to promote data-driven course design so we can pull actionable data from the use of video in the course. With all of the data pooled in the one folder, it is difficult to fragment off data in a sustainable way for the different course sections.

This functionality would also provide a great solution to the problem of "Evergreen" content that rolls between terms in Panopto when in the course context. Right now, when we have these multi section courses that recycle content (one folder to many courses), the new-ish Panopto course copy functionality can be used to easily bring reference copies of the content into the individual course sections, but that is a one-time thing. If a video needs to be added to all of the sections in the middle of the term, there is a lot of overhead and space for human error.

In short, when a Canvas Blueprint sync happens, Panopto should also trigger the Panopto course copy process (or something similar) to update content in the folder as well as embeds/links in the course.

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