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Can the panapto api fetch the thumbnails presented at the bottom of a recording?

I want to use the public api to extract of the captions of the recording, and the pictures at the bottom. Is this possible? What should I keep in mind as I attempt to do so?



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    Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Abhi,

    We do not have a public API to retrieve the thumbnails shown in the viewer or editor, or to directly download captions in a recording. The Public REST API's Get Session By Id endpoint should return a CaptionDownloadUrl property in the Url's object if a video has captions in it, which you can use to download the captions for the session, as though you were downloading them from the Panopto Web Application. The user calling the API should be a creator for the video, or an administrator on the Panopto site in order to download the captions.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.



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    Hey Kevin,

    Thanks for responding to my question! I want to go about obtaining those thumbnails on my own. How has panapto done it? Is this something I can replicate? What services were used to do so?



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    Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Abhi,

    Panopto creates and stores those thumbnails as part of our media processing when a new video is created in Panopto. We do not have a public API or service to get the thumbnails displayed at the bottom of the viewer. You can use the Get Sessions By Id endpoint to get the URL to the main thumbnail image used for the session in the Panopto Web application, but that will only give that single thumbnail, and not the thumbnails used in the Panopto Viewer.

    If you have any other questions, please let me know.



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