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Ability to search users by "User ID"

There is currently no way to search by "User ID" within application. Yet, the "User ID" is the only user related data column provided within many reports. There should be a way to search System Settings>Users by this long, GUID style User ID data value.


I have 15 districts attempting to make use of their Content Retention audit reports to make sure teachers/staff (i.e. Creators) are aware of potential archiving activities. However, the Content Retention audit report does NOT include any easily userful user related info for each pending video that would be archived. Meaning, admins cannot quickly/easily know which user is related to which video. There is no way even to search by User ID within application which makes the inclusion of such "User ID" data values completely useless for Panopto admins. They can't do anything with it.

Right now, I'm attempting to generate & download other reports that possibly include BOTH username and/or email with the User ID and then VLookup via Excel. This is complicated by the fact that you also have to wait 24 hours for reports to be generated.

It should not require such effort & time to be able to identify which user/creator related to upcoming content retention actions/videos.

3 votes

Tracking · Last Updated

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