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Is there an API endpoint for programmatically modifying approval required setting?
in API
Does the Panopto API provide a method for programmatically setting the approval workflow- i.e. when a video is published or requires approval by publisher setting. Do these settings correlate to the /api/v1/folders/{id}/settings/access endpoint?
We are importing some legacy content into folders, but do not want current folder publishers to get spammed with emails asking them to approve archival content. Wondering if there is a way to programmatically control the publisher approval workflow from the API?
Hi Carrie,
We do not have a way to change these settings in our public REST API, however you can use Panopto's public SOAP API to modify the availability start and end settings for either a folder or a specific session.
You can set the folder availability start and end properties using the ISessionManagement.UpdateFoldersAvailabilityStartSettings or ISessionManagement.UpdateFoldersAvailabilityEndSettings SOAP API endpoints.
You can also modify session availability start and end properties using the ISessionManagement.UpdateSessionsAvailabilityStartSettings or ISessionManagement.UpdateSessionsAvailabilityEndSettings SOAP API endpoint.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.