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Making student assessment folders stand out more
One of the biggest issues for students when it comes to submitting to a Panopto assessment folder is that students do not find it very easily. Of course, you can rename the folder, but even with renaming the folder, they feel it is not obvious enough being a subfolder and does not stand out. If you have more than one subfolder this only makes things worse as to which is the Live folder. It would be really useful if the assessment folders could either have a full title or stand out more in general so then students can find it easily. It would also benefit users with any visual impairments to be able to quickly identify the correct folder.
Related - we use our LMS course names in Panopto. The word [Assignments] on the end of the folder name is often difficult to find. Teachers will be looking for their class folder to eg move a video to, see two names that appear exactly the same on the picker and drop the video into the wrong one.
And completely agree with the main point Louis is making.
Agree. Because as Creators, faculty can upload to the parent and assignments folder, very often they upload or move videos to the assignment folder and go in panic not being able to find it. perhaps the sub-folder should start with [Assignments] + Course Name.
It would be really helpful if the [Assignments] folders could also be easily identified for archiving/deleting purposes. We have to apply different policies to different types of content and it is currently very difficult to surface just the [Assignments] folders.