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Panopto LTI integration between MS Teams and LMS (Canvas/Bb/D2L/Moodle)
Cherri Conley
It would be nice if Panopto would work with MS Teams in Blackboard (and other LMS) like it does for Zoom. I would like Team videos made within Blackboard to automatically be upload to Panopto Cloud. This makes it easier to share videos with students within Blackboard along with keeping recordings all in one place.
HI Cherri,
I am not sure I understand correctly, but maybe this helps:
kind regards
I think the ask (correct me if I'm wrong) is to have the meeting recordings be dropped into the course folder that Panopto creates for the course, instead of to the user's own Meeting Recordings folder. Here is the guide for the integration for Zoom:
It would also be helpful if the Panopto folder displayed in a Team connected to an LMS course was the Panopto folder created by the Panopto LTI integration.