Inquiries about folder creation and publisher permissions
We are a company that operates university LMS, and we are operating LMS and Panopto in connection with it.
I would like to know if Panopto API is provided in the process of linking.
1. If there is no folder with a specific name under my folder, is it possible to create a new one?
2. Is it possible to set the created folder to “Upon publisher approval” in the availability section and disable user modification?
3. Is it possible to upload files to a specific folder?
4. Is it possible to return the information of the session when the encoding of the video uploaded to the review folder is completed?
- (Instructor account information, session URL, upload folder path, posting approval status, etc.)
5. If the reviewer (publisher) approves posting, is it possible to transmit the information to Panopto?
6. When session information of the review folder (not my folder) is provided in the LMS, is posting status also provided?
I hope that this helps, please let me know if you have any other questions.